PATTERN HACK - Upcycled Tea Party Dress

by Tanya Karolia May 31, 2017

PATTERN HACK - Upcycled Tea Party Dress

Today, I wanted to share with you a blog by Candice Ayala. For those of us Aussies who don't know her, she is a US blogger who makes some amazing outfits and writes some inspired tutorials and is just an all round awesomely talented lady! I've followed her blog forever and now I'm a member of her latest venture at Sewing Portfolios 

She always does the most amazing up-cycled outfits - often pinching her hubby's shirts to make delightful dresses or tops for her gorgeous daughter. I love the idea of up-cycled, but haven't really ventured down that path yet - if you like it too, I'm sure this post and the many others on her blog will inspire you to give it a go. You can check out this tutorial here for her instructions on how to up-cycle a shirt into a Tea Party Dress

While you're there check out this other post about up-cycling a mens shirt to a Tea Party Dress

I'm sure you will get a lot out of her blog - I know I do! And if you haven't already joined the Sewing Portfolios family, do that too - it's a fantastic tool for us creatives 

Happy Sewing

T xx


Tanya Karolia
Tanya Karolia


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